About us
Helping People Attain Better Health
I am Kevin French, and I am so glad you stopped by. I built this website because many of us often don’t open up and discuss our health issues, and I think it’s human nature. But I feel we do a disservice to ourselves and others that way. It crushes me when someone says they are going to a doctor for an “X” issue, and the doctor prescribes a powerful chemical to resolve it. And I’ll be the first to admit that those prescriptions are sometimes necessary for certain sicknesses or diseases. But it angers me when there is a natural remedy that will be less harsh to our bodies and is never even considered. I think it’s also human nature for most people to blindly follow doctors’ orders and not buck the system.

This is not a knock on doctors, but sometimes doctors don’t have all the answers, and that’s fine if they tell you we’re going to see if this works, and here are the side effects, and now you can make an informed decision. And I know some excellent doctors who will do that, but it’s not always the case. As a young man, I used to work in the medical field and can tell you stories.
Maybe we have concerns about our physicality and don’t know what to do about it or the things impacting our health. We’re embarrassed to discuss our health issues because it makes us appear weaker and /or less valued by our colleagues. As parents, we’ll sometimes put off a needed doctor visit when our kids need braces. We’re worried about affording both because we didn’t have the best insurance or haven’t moved up the corporate ladder yet. As a breadwinner, I was highly conscious of this as my wife, and I raised our family.
I wanted to build a place where anyone could come and feel safe asking questions. A place where they can get reliable information, and we can get healthier, stronger, and more vital together.
A little about me
Gravity always loved me growing up and showed up frequently on the scale. I was always the heavy kid. I was “Husky,” at least that’s what they told my mother at the clothing stores. But, of course, it couldn’t be helped; I grew up in a typically large Italian family with plenty of aunts and uncles, cousins all over the place, and at the center of it all, “Granny” and “Grandpa.”
Granny was a high-quality, high-production Italian food-making machine. I’m not even sure if she ever slept. We were never let down, you could go to their house any day of the week, at any time, and there was always some incredible food ready for you. “Come, eat!” Granny would say. And forget about the holidays; that’s when she kicked it up a notch and went into another gear. Sunday gravy and meatballs… oh, don’t get me started.
I didn’t have a chance…
But then I discovered girls. And that’s when things got interesting. I cleaned up my act, stopped eating like a cafone (an Italian word that found its way into the English language; pronounced: ga-voon; meaning ill-mannered – we used it interchangeably with ‘pig’), and started becoming more active and working out.
Things change, though, as we continue to get older. Our bodies become resistant to some changes we try to make, and certain chemicals in our bodies slow down in production, causing our once vibrant bodies to begin to droop. Body parts fall off (lol, just kidding, I’m checking to see if you’re still reading my page)
Anyway, I am on a quest for better health, a leaner, healthier body, and increased stamina, and I’d like to welcome you aboard. Unfortunately, a good amount of myths are out there, and a lot of misleading information is being spread across the internet. Unfortunately, when speaking of the health and wellness field, people out there want to take advantage of people in need. We’ll try to navigate through all that to see what’s true, and I want to share it with you. That is my passion.

Why am I so passionate about alternative health care?
Because I’ve been on the front lines. I’ve been where you are and have been. I’ve consciously made decisions that impacted my health because I couldn’t afford the high cost of health care. I’ve been laid off from jobs and had no medical insurance because continuing coverage while out of work costs thousands of “real” dollars… that suddenly we don’t have anymore. But the kids still need well visits.
I’ve also been blessed dramatically in my life with circumstances that could only be explained as miracles of God. I remembered in 1991, I had
just been laid off as a manager of a lumber yard in Long Island, NY. I had moved my family back in with my gracious parents. I developed a pain in my mouth that became unbearable over the next couple of months. I spotted an ad in my local newspaper when I couldn’t take the pain anymore and had no dental insurance and no money. The ad was from a local dentist offering free dental work for “one day only.” I ended up going and getting a free root canal, including laughing gas, because I AM a dental coward.
Another time I developed a severe case of bronchitis. My doctor warned that I would have to be admitted to the hospital after he gets the chest x-rays back and if it’s turned into pneumonia. I told him I had no money and no way of paying for anything. He assured me that in this scenario, everyone would be paid for services by the fed through programs, and the only one who wouldn’t get paid would be him, and he told me he wasn’t interested in my money; he cared about my condition. Remember, in the beginning, I said I knew some excellent doctors? Yeah, this guy is one of them.
Fortunately, it didn’t progress into pneumonia, but he sent me home with all the meds I would need to treat bronchitis free of charge. He also never charged me for a single office visit while I was out of work. So I see and talk to people, good people but less fortunate than I have been, in similar situations and the hardships and stress they go through, and my heart goes out to them.
How this site came to be
I’ve built this site because I know first-hand the issues that confront us through my experiences and also the experiences of my friends and family. And as we mature (that’s a diplomatic way of saying Get Older), things change. Our once strong and flexible bodies begin to show signs of deterioration. We lose flexibility, strength, and new, unwelcome aches and pains show up to greet us.
We can’t always stop it, and it’s better than the alternative. But we don’t need to take it lying down. We can now make choices that will positively impact our bodies. We can get healthier, consciously eat better foods, and make choices that will engage our bodies in more physical ways. We can get stronger and make decisions that will make us more essential to the world around us. We can become more vital and desirable.
I am on a quest for better health, a leaner, healthier body, and increased stamina, and I’d like to welcome you aboard.
Thank you for stopping by! If you ever need to be pointed in the right direction or have a question, leave a comment, and I will help you find an answer.
To our health and successes,
Kevin French
Founder of ‘The Alternate Health Report
By the way, this site was actually created through a fantastic platform called Wealthy Affiliate. So if you have a passion that you’d like to discuss and spread your message around the internet and possibly make some additional income, follow me <Here> or through the banner below.

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